peter huebner • micro music laboratories
M E D I C A L   R E S O N A N C E   T H E R A P Y   M U S I C®
R E D U C T I O N   O F   P S Y C H O – P H Y S I O L O G I C A L   M A N I F E S T A T I O N S   O F   S T R E S S



Site Map


The Cosmic
Education Program


Peter Hübner
Developer of the University


Faculty of

Leading Thoughts

Logical Path - Theory

Logical Path - Practice


Theoretical Fundamentals

Medical Music
Preparations on CD

Scientific Research

Research Fields Summary



Sleep Disorders




Medication Consumption


Dispersion of Stress

Faster Recovery



Cardiovascular System

Hormone / Immune System

The Mental State


Radiation Sickness


Multiple Sclerosis



Cerebral & Nervous System

Mental & Sensory Abilities


Pregnancy and Birth



Concentration / Memory

Courage to Face Life



Mother & Child

Neurophysiological &
Sensory Disorders


Vital Energy



Astronomy of Mind EQ x IQ

Hall of Harmony

International Experts

Educational Program

Scientific Research

International Media

International Congresses


Application to the University



Scientific Studies and Clinical Observations
  • Increased ability to learn in older people and people of middle-age with atherosclerotic encephalopathy: after 10 treatment sessions the ability to learn had improved by an average of 18%
  • Improved reaction precision in older people and people of middle-age with atherosclerotic encephalopathy: after 10 treatment sessions the precision of reactions had improved by an average of 18%
  • Increased psychomotoric speed in older people and people of middle-age with atherosclerotic encephalopathy: after 10 treatment sessions the psychomotoric speed had improved by an average of 9.6%
  • Improved reaction speed in older people and people of middle-age with atherosclerotic encephalopathy: after 10 treatment sessions the reaction speed had improved by an average of 18%
  • Improvement in the visual short-term memory in older people and people of middle-age with atherosclerotic encephalopathy: after 10 treatment sessions the visual short-term memory had improved by an average of 20%
  • Improved visualmotoric coordination in older people and people of middle-age with atherosclerotic encephalopathy: after 10 treatment sessions the visualmotoric coordination had improved by an average of 18%
  • Improvement of the auditory memory in older people and people of middle-age with atherosclerotic encephalopathy:
    after 10 treatment sessions the auditory memory had improved by an average of 8.1%
  • Increased ability to concentrate in older people and people of middle-age with atherosclerotic encephalopathy: after 10 treatment sessions the ability to concentrate had improved by an average of 18%
  • Reduction of the feeling of dizziness in older people and people of middle-age with atherosclerotic encephalopathy: of the 25 patients examined 20 reported attacks of dizziness. After treatment 14 patients were free from attacks of dizziness and 6 reported a significant improvement
  • Reduction of anxiety in older people and people of middle-age after the relaxing musical preparation there was a 4-unit reduction in anxiety and after the activating musical preparations a reduction of 6 units
  • Reduction of headaches in older people and people of middle-age with atherosclerotic encephalopathy: of the 25 patients examined 21 had headaches.
    After the treatment 15 patients were free of headaches, 5 experienced a significant improvement and one patient experienced no improvement
  • Stimulation of the imagination in older people and people of middle-age with atherosclerotic encephalopathy: while hearing the music, many experienced e.g. ‘a wood’, ‘a lake’, ‘flowing water’, ‘sunlight’ and had many other positive experiences
  • Dispersion of psycho-physiological manifestations of stress in older people and people of middle-age with atherosclerotic encephalopathy: the experience of deep muscular relaxation combined with a sensation of warmth and with ease and sleepiness; furthermore a significant reduction and/or complete dispersion of the symptoms: ‘bad mood’, ‘lethargy’, ‘tension’ and “touchiness”
  • Improvement of the mental state of older people and people of middle-age with atherosclerotic encephalopathy: the evaluation showed, besides a dispersion of stress, the acquisition of distance from unpleasant things, the experience of gentleness, inner peace, a kind of freedom from care and a spiritual state of mind
  • Slowing of the heart rate in older people and people of middle age with atherosclerotic encephalopathy: from the third session on, a reduction in the heart rate averaging 5 beats per minute was evident during the relaxing music, and averaging 3.1 beats per minute during the activating music

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